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Volume 26, 2024, Issue 3

Initial-Boundary Problems for the Moisture Transfer Equation with Fractional Derivatives of Different Orders and a Non-Local Linear Source

Beshtokov, M. Kh.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2024 . Vol. 26. Issue 3. P.5-23
DOI 10.46698/l0699-2536-6844-a

Solution of a System of Functional Equations Associated with an Affine Group

Bogdanova, R. A. , Kyrov, V. A.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2024 . Vol. 26. Issue 3. P.24-32
DOI 10.46698/d7752-5993-6789-y

Some Analytical Solutions in Problems of Optimization of Variable Thermal Conductivity Coefficient

Vatulyan, A. O.  , Nesterov, S. A.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2024 . Vol. 26. Issue 3. P.33-46
DOI 10.46698/v9056-4395-2233-f

On Automorphisms of a Graph with an Intersection Array \(\{44,30,9;1,5,36\}\)

Isakova, M. M. , Makhnev, A. A.  , Chen Mingzhu
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2024 . Vol. 26. Issue 3. P.47-55
DOI 10.46698/x0578-3097-1488-l

Metric Characteristics of Classes of Compact Sets on Carnot Groups with Sub-Lorentzian Structure

Karmanova, M. B.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2024 . Vol. 26. Issue 3. P.56-64
DOI 10.46698/d9212-8277-5800-l

About Additional Financing in the "Investment-Consumption'' Model

Nikolenko, P. V. , Novikova, L. V.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2024 . Vol. 26. Issue 3. P.65-71
DOI 10.46698/w4665-6033-7631-f

On Kernels of Convolution Operators in the Roumieu Spaces of Ultradifferentiable Functions

Polyakova, D. A.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2024 . Vol. 26. Issue 3. P.72-85
DOI 10.46698/f8294-3012-1428-w

Determination of a Coefficient and Kernel in a \(d\)-Dimensional Fractional Integro-Differential Equation

Rahmonov, A. A.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2024 . Vol. 26. Issue 3. P.86-111
DOI 10.46698/g9973-1253-2193-w

An Inverse Two-Dimensional Problem for Determining Two Unknowns in Equation of Memory Type for a Weakly Horizontally Inhomogeneous Medium

Tomaev, M. R.  , Totieva, Zh. D.
Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal. 2024 . Vol. 26. Issue 3. P.112-134
DOI 10.46698/e7124-3874-1146-k

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